Fat experiences

Feeling truly unfit

Today I attempted a workout for the first time in at least 50 pounds- and I discovered I can’t do a single sit-up (even an inch off the ground.) or do more than 3 jumping jacks before I’m out of breath. I used to run a 7 minute mile! Feeling much much fatter after that. Anyone have similar experiences of really feeling outta shape?
3 months

Feeling truly unfit

Today I attempted a workout for the first time in at least 50 pounds- and I discovered I can’t do a single sit-up (even an inch off the ground.) or do more than 3 jumping jacks before I’m out of breath. I used to run a 7 minute mile! Feeling much much fatter after that. Anyone have similar experiences of really feeling outta shape?

The closest I've gotten to that is when I went from a C to a DD cup. Lemme tell you, exercising became an experience. Getting a good high-impact sports bra is a must.
3 months

Feeling truly unfit

over the winter I gained like 60 pounds and I went to do what I normally do in the spring and I could barely walk up a slight incline without stopping and trying to catch my breath while whizzing, low key kinda scary so I started doing some walking around the block feeling a lot better now 3 months hills aren’t so bad now I even managed to walk an entire property without stopping!
3 months

Feeling truly unfit

Morbidly A Beast:
over the winter I gained like 60 pounds and I went to do what I normally do in the spring and I could barely walk up a slight incline without stopping and trying to catch my breath while whizzing, low key kinda scary so I started doing some walking around the block feeling a lot better now 3 months hills aren’t so bad now I even managed to walk an entire property without stopping!

Walking really is such a game changer. I fell off the walking wagon when I did a speed gain over about 5 weeks, and I'm getting back to it and feel better already.
3 months